Filmer om retur
Please note that not all the content on this page is available in English.
Film about assisted return - Life in Norway
This film is about a family who finds out that not everything in Norway turned how they expected it to.
Other languages (opens in a new tab):
Amharic (external website, opens in new window)
Arabian (external website, opens in new window)
Dari (external website, opens in new window)
Farsi (external website, opens in new window)
French (external website, opens in new window)
Kurmanji (external website, opens in new window)
Pashto (external website, opens in new window)
Russian (external website, opens in new window)
Somali (external website, opens in new window)
Sorani (external website, opens in new window)
Film about assisted return – Children and young
Children in families
What happens when you and your family’s application for asylum in Norway is rejected, and you decide to travel back to your home country? This film has been made to help you as a minor asylum seeker understand what is going on and the situation you and your family are in.
Unaccompanied minors
What happens when your application for asylum in Norway is rejected, and you decide to travel back to your home country? This film has been made to help you as an unaccompanied minor asylum seeker to understand what is going on and the situation you are in.
These films are available in more languages at (external website)
Filmer om retur med Politiets utlendingsenhet - Barn og unge
Barn i barnefamilier
Hva skjer når du og familien din må reise ut av Norge, men ikke gjør det likevel? Denne filmen skal hjelpe deg som er mindreårig asylsøker til å forstå hva som skjer, og situasjonen du og familien din står i, når politiet kommer og henter dere.
Enslig mindreårig
Hva skjer når du må reise ut av Norge, men ikke gjør det likevel? Denne filmen skal hjelpe deg som er enslig mindreårig asylsøker til å forstå hva som skjer, og situasjonen du står i, når politiet kommer og henter deg.
Filmene er tilgjengelig på flere språk på (eksternt nettsted).
Film about assisted return - Young man
Other languages (opens in a new tab):Albanian (external website, opens in new window)
Amharic (external website, opens in new window)
Arabian (external website, opens in new window)
Dari (external website, opens in new window)
Farsi (external website, opens in new window)
French (external website, opens in new window)
Kurmanji (external website, opens in new window)
Pashto (external website, opens in new window)
Russian (external website, opens in new window)
Serbian (external website, opens in new window)
Somali (external website, opens in new window)
Sorani (external website, opens in new window)
Tamil (external website, opens in new window)
Film about assisted return - Somalia
The organisation NorSom News has made some information videos about assisted return for Somalis. You can watch these videos by following this link (external website, opens in new window).