Statistics and analysis About European Migration Network

About European Migration Network (EMN)
Who are we?
The European Migration Network (EMN) is a network of migration and asylum experts who work together to provide objective, comparable policy-relevant information. The EMN was established in 2008 and is coordinated by the European Commission.
EMN consists of national contact points in EU member states (except Denmark) and the EMN Observer Countries, namely Norway, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Montenegro and Armenia.
EMN aims to provide objective, reliable and reasonably comparable information on migration and asylum policies and practices with a view to support policymaking and implementation in the European Union and participating Member States.
What do we do?
The EMN produces reports, studies and other publications which analyse migration and asylum policies and track legislative developments in this field. The EMN publishes the latest migration and asylum related developments in a quarterly bulletin and maintains a glossary of migration and asylum-related terms. The network also organises webinars, roundtables, conferences and other events on a regular basis, both at EU and national level.
EMN outputs respond proactively to the immediate information needs of EU and national policymakers. These include:
- Annual reports on migration and asylum
- Studies on relevant topics
- "Informs" on issues of immediate priority (external website)
- Country factsheets (external website)
- Ad-hoc queries
More information about EMN
Please visit the Main European Migration Network website (external website) for more information, as well as access to annual reports, statistics and policy briefs for all the member states.
About EMN Norway
Norway has been a member of EMN since 2011.
The national Norwegian contact point consists of experts from the Ministry of Justice and Public Security and UDI.
EMN Norway aims to ensure the flow of objective and reliable information about legislation, policy and practice regulating immigration and asylum, in Norway and EU.
EMN Norway cooperates with experts from governmental and non-governmental organisations, as well as researchers and individuals in the field of migration and asylum.
EMN Norway commissions papers and reports from Norwegian researchers with an objective to generate insight and contribute to the discussions on future policies and good practices in the field of migration. These papers and reports address a wide audience, including policymakers, academics, media and civil society. EMN also contributes to the dissemination of Norwegian research to European countries through EMN channels.
Return Expert Group
The Return Expert Group (REG) functions as a platform for practical cooperation and the sharing of good practice and expertise on return. UDI participates regularly in REG meetings along with the National Police Immigration Service (PU).
See the EMN main website for more information about how the REG aims to facilitate information sharing and exchange ideas on best practices. (external website)
Contact EMN Norway