European Migration Network Ad Hoc Queries

Ac-Hoc Queries are queries sent out by EMN member countries regarding other EMN members' practice on various issues concerning migration. On this page we present a compilation of Ad-Hoc Queries which Norway has contributed to.
EMN ad hoc query (AHQ) on asylum and improving communication between the authorities and minors Part I & II (2019)
Impact of policy changes on the right to refugee family reunion (2018)
Electronic platforms for asylum seekers or their legal representatives (2018)
Safe Countries of Origin (2018)
Return of Turkish asylumseekers (2017)
Forced returns to Afghanistan (2017)
Distribution of asylum seekers throughout the national territory (2017)
Arrival transit reception centres (2017)
Return of asylum seekers who are unaccompanied minors (2017)
Requirements and exceptions for naturalization (2017)