Reception Facilities for Asylum Seekers in Europe (2013)

On 30 September 2013 the Norwegian Contact Point to the European Migration Network held its annual conference on the topic of reception facilities. You can download a conference report and powerpoint presentations here.
Reception Facilities for Asylum Seekers in Europe (pdf, 191 kB)
Tsourdi: Reception Conditions in the EU: Legal Basis and Future Perspectives (ppt, 108 kB)
Ward: Managing Reception of Asylum Seekers in Times of Fluctuations (pdf, 635 kB)
Panel Discussion: Who Should Run the Reception Facilities? (pdf, 527 kB)
Sveaass: Victims of torture: Identification and follow up (pdf, 640 kB)
François: Reception of Unaccompanied Minors in Belgium (pdf, 797 kB)
Vardøy: Longstayers in Reception Centres: Challenges and Possibilities (pdf, 701 kB)