Registered asylum applications by citizenship (top five) in the last three weeks (2017)

This table shows how many asylum applications were registered per week, sorted by citizenship. The table shows the five citizenships with the largest number of applications, as well as the total number.
The table is loading data
2017 week 50 - 52 : Registered1 asylum appliations by top-5 countries
CitizenshipWeek 50Week 51Week 52
1. Turkey 7 7 7
2. Syrian Arab Republic 4 6 6
3. Eritrea 4 1 6
4. Iraq 4 4 1
5. Congo 0 0 6
6. Other countries 11 21 16
7. Total 30 39 42

1A "Registered asylum applications» is when an asylum application is registered in Utlendingsdatabasen (UDB). The time for lodging/registering an asylum application can be a few days later than the time the applicants notifies Norwegian authorities that they wish to apply for protection.

This table is updated every Monday

Kilde: Utlendingsdirektoratet/Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI)

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