EMN National Conference (2015)

Ikke alt innholdet på denne siden finnes på norsk.
Regional Development and Protection Programmes - North Africa - Horn of Africa (pdf, 210 kB)
Resettlement Research: Past, Present and Future - Alexander Betts (pdf, 414 kB)
Examples of successful/unsuccessful strategic resettlement - Perspectives from Sweden (pdf, 635 kB)
Resettlement in refugee camps: the case of Dadaab - Cindy Horst (pdf, 1,5 MB)
What do we mean by "strategic resettlement"? - UNHCR (pdf, 242 kB)
Resettlement Selection Criteria and ID – practices: challenges and current dilemmas (pdf, 381 kB)
Resettlement: Regional Solutions and Humanitarian Assistance (pdf, 587 kB)
Watch the EMN-conference (external website).