Information to Russian citizens
Не весь вміст на цій сторінці доступний українською мовою.
Travel out of Russia
I must leave Russia, can I apply for a visitor’s visa to Norway?
You can apply for a visitor’s visa to Norway. It is important that you are aware of the waiting times for visitor’s visa applications. When applying for a visitor’s visa, it is important to emphasize that you must return to your home country when the visa expires. Because of the situation in your country, it can be difficult for applicants from your country to get a visa.The requirements for approval of travel and health insurance have changed. If you have insurance from a Russian insurance company, it is no longer enough to present "Schengen insurance" for EUR 30,000. Because of the EU's sanctions against Russia, we can not be sure that claims for compensation to Russian insurance companies will be paid in the Schengen area. You must therefore enclose a confirmation from the insurance company that they will be able to pay compensation in the Schengen area.The Norwegian Embassy in Moscow (external website) and VFS have information on their website about Russian insurance companies that already provide such confirmation. We will accept travel and health insurance from these companies in a visa application.When you visit Norway, you must show that you have enough money for your stay in Norway and the journey home. Due to EU sanctions against Russia, money in Russian bank accounts is no longer available to visitors to the Schengen area. Therefore, the requirement for documentation that you have enough money for your stay in Schengen has changed. If you cannot document that you have access to your money while in Norway, a person residing in Norway or a Norwegian company can issue a financial guarantee for you.If you want to leave Russia quickly and you do not plan to return, you should look for other options than a visitor’s visa. -
What does it mean for me, whos now applying for a visitor visa, that Norway's visa facilitation agreement with Russia has been cancelled?
Norway's visa facilitation agreement with Russia (external website) has been temporarily suspended from 22 September 2022. This means that Russian citizens no longer have a simplified way of applying for a visa. The simplified rules set out in the visa facilitation agreement will not apply for as long as the agreement remains suspended.This means that Russian nationals are also subject to the standard rules regarding documentation, multiple-entry visas, fees and case-processing times. You can read more about the reliefs that have been temporarily suspended here. -
I am a Russian citizen and I want to apply for a visitor visa to Norway. For which purposes can I be granted a visitor visa now?
The government has decided that Russian citizens are to be refused entry to Norway if they travel to Norway as a tourist or for other non-essential purposes. Visas are therefore not issued to tourists and similar groups of visa applicants.
From 29 May 2024, you can still be granted a visitor visa if
- you are going to visit parents, spouse, cohabitant and children living in Norway
- you are a family member or an EEA citizen
- you are going to work or study in Norway and do not need a residence permit for this
- you own a holiday property in Norway and need to carry out necessary maintenance of it. You must have bought the property before 29 May 2024.
- you are going to travel through Norway to a country where you have a residence permit
- you are travelling to or from work or residence in Svalbard, you are permanent resident of Svalbard or you are in Svalbard and need to travel through the Norwegian mainland to get home
- you have been invited by the Norwegian authorities or are to participate in projects financed by the Norwegian authorities
- you have a special care responsibility for someone who lives in Norway or there are other strong welfare considerations
- you are diplomtic and consular staff, administrative and technical staff and support staff at a Russian diplomatic station or are travelling through Norway. This also applies to your family members (spouse, cohabitant and children) who belong to the household at the place of employment, as well as if you are a diplomatic courier.
If your purpose for applying for a visitor visa is mentioned above, you must also meet the usual requirements to be issed a visa to Norway.
You will not be granted a visitor visa if
- you are going for a visit as a tourist
- you are going to visit friends, girlfriend/boyfriend or more distant family members than parents, spouse, cohabitant and children
- you are travelling for purposes other than those mentioned above
I am a Russian citizen and have a visitor visa. For which purposes can I travel into or through Norway now?
The government has decided that as of 29 May 2024, Russian citizens with a visitor visa are to be refused entry to Norway if they travel to Norway as a tourist or for other non-essential purposes.
From 29 May 2024, you can still enter Norway with a visitor visa without being refused entry or stay if
- you have a visitor visa issued by Norway after 30 May 2022
- you are going to visit parents, spouse, cohabitant and children residing in Norway or other Schengen countries
- you are a family member of an EEA citizen and are going to travel together with or visit the EEA citizen in Norway
- you are going to work or study in Norway or other Schengen countries and do not need a residence permit for this
- you have a national visa issued by Norway
- you own a holiday property in Norway and need to carry out necessary maintenance of it. You must have bought the property before 29 May 2024.
- you are going to travel through Norway to another country where you have a residence permit
- you are travelling to or from work or residence in Svalbard, you are permanent resident of Svalbard or you are in Svalbard and need to travel through the Norwegian mainland to get home
- you have been invited by the Norwegian authorities or are to participate in projects financed by the Norwegian authorities
- you have a special care responsibility for someone who lives in Norway or there are other strong welfare considerations
- you are diplomtic and consular staff, administrative and technical staff and support staff at a Russian diplomatic station or are travelling through Norway. This also applies to your family members (spouse, cohabitant and children) who belong to the household at the place of employment, as well as if you are a diplomatic courier.
When you arrive at the border, you must bring documents that show that you are covered by one of the above points.
You will also not be refused entry or stay if you enter Norway from another Schengen country.
From 29 May, you may not enter Norway directly from a country outside the Schengen area with a visitor's visa if
- you are going for a visit as a tourist
- you are going to visit friends, girlfriend/boyfriend or more distant family members than parents, spouse, cohabitant and children
- you are travelling for purposes other than those mentioned above
I am a Russian citizen and I have a residence permit or entry visa. Can I travel into or through Norway now?
The government has decided that as of 29 May 2024, Russian citizens with a visitor visa are to be refused entry to Norway if they travel to Norway as a tourist or for other non-essential purposes.
From 29 May, you can still enter Norway without being refused entry or stay if
- you have an entry visa to or residence permit in Norway or another Schengen country
- you have a local border traffic permit
I am a Russian citizen and wish to apply for a visa to Norway from a country other than Russia. Is that possible?
You cannot travel to another country to apply for a visa from there. You must submit a visa application in the country where you are a permanent resident. If you are already in a country other than where you live, you must clarify with the diplomatic mission whether you have strong and unforeseen reasons for still being able to apply.
I want to travel to Norway with my Russian-registered passenger car. What are the rules or restrictions I should know about?
З опівночі з вівторка 3 жовтня 2023 року в'їзд до Норвегії на особистих легкових автомобілях з місткістю до 9 осіб, зареєстрованих в Російській Федерації, є забороненим, за винятком певних випадків.
Ви також можете знайти інфомацію про правила на сайті Уряду Норвегії (external website).
Норвегія та країни Євросоюзу раніше запровадили заборону на імпорт, зокрема, зареєстрованих у Росії особистих автомобілів місткістю до 9 місць. З 3 жовтня посиляться правила щодо тимчасового ввезення. Це означає, що якщо ви збираєтеся їхати до Норвегії, а ваша машина зареєстрована в Росії, ви не зможете в’їхати з цією машиною в Норвегію.
В Норвегії діють 4 винятки із правил.
- Громадяни Норвегії або ЄЕЗ або близькі члени їхніх сімей, які проживають у Росії та є власниками зареєстрованих у Росії автомобілів, можуть ввезти їх до Норвегії. Під близькими членами сімей маються на увазі подружжя, зареєстровані партнери, подружжя, які проживають спільно в незареєстрованому шлюбі, неповнолітні або дорослі діти та батьки громадян Норвегії або ЄЕЗ.
- Також зроблено винятки для автотранспортних засобів, які є необхідними з гуманітарних причин, таких як раптова хвороба, смерть або похорон близьких родичів. На кордоні ви повинні документально підтвердити необхідність в'їзду на власному автомобілі з гуманітарних причин. У випадку, якщо ви можете досягти мети вашої поїздки в Норвегію іншим видом транспорту, наприклад автобусом, використання особистого транспортного автомобіля в Росії не буде вважатися необхідним.
- Зроблено винятки і для автомобілів з дипломатичними реєстраційними номерами та автомобілів, що належать міжнародним організаціям або державним кур'єрським службам.
- Ви можете звернутися до Міністерства закордонних справ Норвегії про надання виключення. Міністерство закордонних справ може дати дозвіл у особливих випадках із зовнішньополітичних міркувань.
Зверніть увагу, що заборона не поширюється на автотранспортні засоби місткістю від 10 і більше місць. Тому, як і раніше, можна буде перетнути кордон на границі Стурскуг на мікроавтобусах та автобусах, як приклад.
Де я можу отримати відповідь на питання про діючі правила?
Директорат у справах іноземців (UDI) не має повноважень відповідати на питання про правила в'їзду до Норвегії легкових автомобілів з російською реєстрацією.
Ви можете звернутися з вашим питанням до Міністерства закордонних справ Норвегії.
Что це означає для меня?
Нові правила діють щодо використовуваного автотранспортного засобу, а не осіб, що його використовують. Незважаючи на те, що на автотранспортний засіб поширюється один із винятків, це не означає, що особи, які перебувають в автомобілі, автоматично отримують право на в'їзд до Норвегії. Змін щодо правил про право в'їзду до Норвегії не відбулося.