Migration in Europe - Control versus Rights (2011)

Не весь вміст на цій сторінці доступний українською мовою.
Jaer: EMN European Migration Network (pdf, 666 kB)
Skjold Lexau: Flyktning- og migrasjonspolitikk i Norge og EU (pdf, 539 kB)
Feijen: A Common European Asylum System towards 2012 (ppt, 130 kB)
Vevstad: Migration in Europe - Control versus Rights ISF (2011) (pdf, 126 kB)
The purpose was also to discuss the harmonization of asylum and immigration policies in the EU. This year, the main topic was dedicated to European developments in regard to asylum policies.
The conference was hosted in cooperation with the ISF EU Migration Forum. The purpose was to create a meeting point for researchers, NGOs and government officials, and to discuss the harmonization of asylum and immigration policies in the EU.
Approximately 100 representatives from the Norwegian parliament, governmental institutions, NGOs, and academia were present.
The broad participation reflected the wide interest in field of migration and integration. The conference benefited from the presence of Øyvind Jaer, Ministry of Justice, Siw Lexau, Ministry of Justice, Liv Feijen, UNHCR Regional Office for the Baltic and Nordic States, Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen, Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), Ann-Magrit Austenå, NOAS and Vigdis Vevstad, Vevstad Consulting/ISF.
The first EMN conference
Norway has become an observer in The European Migration Network (EMN) which includes most EU countries. The network allows countries and the EU institutions to exchange experiences and information about the migration process. This conference was the first of its kind in Norway.
- Øyvind Jaer of the Ministry of Justice and the Police presented an overview of the EMN and the Norwegian participation.
- Norwegian authorities, represented by Siw Skjold Lexau of the Ministry of Justice and the Police, elaborated on what the Norwegian connection to the EU on matters of justice means in practice.
- Liv Feijen, Regional Senior Protection Officer of the UNHCR in Stockholm, talked about the development of a common European asylum system, which is expected to be operative by 2012.
- Thomas Gammelfoft-Hansen of the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), explored problems related to access to the territory in order to seek protection, and how migration control is practiced today.
- Vigdis Vevstad of Vevstad Consulting/ISF presented the Dublin cooperation, in which Norway participates.