Asylum applications lodged in Norway by Citizenship and Month (2025)

This table shows the number applications for protection (asylum) according to the Immigration Act Section 28, in 2025, application month and citizenship.
The table is loading data
January - February 2025: Asylum applications lodged in Norway by Citizenship and Month
Citizenship Jan Feb Total
Afghanistan 14 9 23
Algeria 1 1 2
Australia 1 0 1
Austria 1 0 1
Bangladesh 1 0 1
Belarus 3 0 3
Brazil 0 2 2
Bulgaria 1 0 1
Burkina Faso 0 1 1
Canada 1 0 1
China 2 5 7
Colombia 7 24 31
Congo 1 5 6
Croatia 1 0 1
Ecuador 1 1 2
Egypt 0 1 1
El Salvador 1 0 1
Eritrea 13 8 21
Ethiopia 2 1 3
Finland 0 1 1
France 1 0 1
Gambia 3 1 4
Ghana 1 0 1
Guinea 1 0 1
Honduras 0 3 3
Iran 4 9 13
Iraq 2 2 4
Kazakhstan 0 4 4
Kenya 3 2 5
Kosovo 4 1 5
Kuwait 1 0 1
Lebanon 0 2 2
Libya 0 2 2
Mali 1 0 1
Mauritania 1 0 1
Mexico 0 3 3
Moldova 1 1 2
Morocco 1 0 1
Mozambique 1 1 2
Myanmar 1 5 6
Nigeria 2 0 2
Pakistan 2 0 2
Palestine 13 9 22
Poland 1 2 3
Romania 1 3 4
Russia 20 5 25
Rwanda 1 2 3
Senegal 0 1 1
Sierra Leone 1 0 1
Somalia 0 3 3
South Africa 2 0 2
South Sudan 0 2 2
Stateless 4 1 5
Sudan 4 3 7
Sweden 0 1 1
Syrian Arab Republic 79 45 124
Tanzania 0 1 1
Tunisia 2 2 4
Turkey 6 15 21
Uganda 2 1 3
Ukraine 102 103 205
United Arab Emirates 0 1 1
United States 5 0 5
Venezuela 10 2 12
Yemen 3 2 5
Zimbabwe 2 1 3
Total 339 300 639

The contents of this table were changed in October 2022. Persons applying for collective protection are no longer included.
The statistics are updated monthly.

Source: Utlendingsdirektoratet / The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI)

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