Sustainable migration in Europe (2018)

With migration policy in flux, and public trust in government migration policies being challenged around the world, the aim of this conference was to present and debate sustainable migration in Europe which can help guide and inform governments and elected politicians.
The conference was held on Thursday 13 December 2018.
The conference showcased the results of a highly productive collaboration between the EMN NCP for Norway and Alexander Betts and Paul Collier.
- Professor Paul Collier and Professor Alexander Betts presented their paper Sustainable Migration in Europe
- Professor Grete Brochmann and Research Professor Anne Skevik Grødem presented their paper Absorption Capacity as Means for Assessing Sustainable Immigration.
- Asle Toje (PhD), Roving Political Scientist and Member of the Norwegian Nobel Committee presented his paper The Significance of Culture in Assessing Sustainable Immigration.
- Magnus Ovilius, Head of Return Sector, Irregular Migration, DG Migration and Home Affairs & Chair European Migration Network commented on the challenges and relevance these discussions have for the EU.
Brussels Conference Notes (final) (pdf, 724 kB)
Sustainable Migration in Europe EMN flash (pdf, 449 kB)
Programme for the conference (pdf, 321 kB)
Presentation of the speakers (pdf, 598 kB)
EMN Norway Occasional paper Sustainable Migration Framework (pdf, 1,1 MB)
Presentation of paper Brochmann and Grødum
EMN Norway Occasional Paper Sustainable Migration in Europe Oxford University (pdf, 814 kB)
Brussels conference introduction (word, 23 kB)
Conference Invitation (pdf, 150 kB)